it's been another long day for me.though being tired,im still very happy.at least to say,today had been a fruitful day to me.initially i was supposed to attend some kinda family gathering at woodlands.ive already decided to go with my family until i took back my word yesterday.if you ask me whether do i regret for making such a decision,i will say NO without hesitation.the only person me and rena missed is jurong (right rena?).other than that,i would say that those people are my distant relatives,who come to my house only once a year which is during CNY.i went to help for cgs booster.i intended to go back on the 2nd booster but i was caught up with my lessons that day.*that stupid yang!*okok..back to the topic before i scold him any further.yea..so i was saying that i went back to cgs today.it was my 2nd time entering the arts conservatory so everything there seems alien to me.oh ya..i did not know how to open the door from the inside.the system was similar to that in the office,yet i foolishly meddled with the knob and lock etc.alrite.my group was doing biology,which was something im more familiar with as compared to subjects like A Math etc.everything went on smoothly,without hiccups until.........gary bombarded me with an A Math question on relative velocity.it seems familiar,yet so unfamiliar.shit!he and i discussed for a while but we still cant find the solution.i suddenly thought of mr loh but too bad,he was not in school today.fortunately there was a group of girls in the library whom i could consult.yea..its kinda embarassing.haha.suat hoon bought me a pig mooncake,which came with a ribbon tying around its neck and two inedible pearly-huge eyes.yummy~
all in all,i enjoyed the day.we ended off by taking some pictures.me with the juniors.