oh man...im so vexed today.....argh!
because of IT, im bothered by IT throughout the day and IT made my day so damn frustrating.some people may think that it's not a big deal to see IT but IT matters to me so much that IT left me feeling lost and helpless at that moment.i appeared normal,but deep down im not.im either in a daze or that information processing gets stuck somewhere in my head.i want to forget all about it but the images kept haunting me.gosh..my impression of THAT person is totally gone,if not already half destroyed.in other words, I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT I SAW! so sudden and out of the blue.TERRIBLE TERRIBLE!
c'mon..tell me
HOW TO ERASE AND CLEANSE MY MIND??????????BRAINWASH ME IF POSSIBLE!stunned.no comments.-201106-1834