ok..i shall abstain from eating stingrays from today onwards.though they taste delicious,they are evil creatures!!!!!!!!!!!!unlike monkies and pigs which are so adorable and harmless.
poor steve irwin.i thought his occupation as a crocodile hunter is full of risks because to deal with the sharp-teethed amphibians is never easy.who knows the next moment you might be devoured by them.its surprising that steve's death was caused by some other creatures,not the crocs which we expect would be the ones.no one,i tihink not even steve hinself,would have predicted to die in the hands of the merciless stingrays.it stung right though his heart.OH MY GOD.as part of the due respect we give him because he risked his life entertaining us with interesting shows,our nicks in msn have a lil' tortoise.
alright.i hate mozzies too.my entire night's sleep was disturbed because of them.well done!im tired ya noe?(guess mozzies wont understand anyway.lol)my tummy feels weird.maybe because of the nasi brani i ate last night as dinner.very 'suay'..........just like what yy said..haha..there's a blackout because of me???!!!!your head!haha..
oh ya..guess i will be touching on english again.i thought that i can escape from it since there's no CRS anymore.god gives me another task,which is to write proposals...haha..pro right?yep..i gotta brush up my english skills now.AGAIN.time to learn how to write a proposal!