i think toe/leg cramps are slowly becoming second to none to my biggest fear of lizards.
i hate it and im so scared of it that i gotta admit.
*waving white flag*
i had this problem of toe cramps all along but it seems that recently,the condition exacerbates.
it leaves me helpless in sudden situations that i have to tip-toe awkwardly.
i check out the internet and learnt that toe cramps are due to the lack of calcium and potassium, and could also be due to long wearing of high heels.
so the solution....is to add more bananas to my diet!
but they are fattening too.....:(
don't know how true is this, however people who have tried it claimed that it really worked for them.
other alternative is to go for reflexology.
argh!!!!!!!!!!! that's scary as well.
you may see me falling from my seat.
who knows?
maybe i can ask mr koh to bring a bunch of bananas as well.