tired..im truly tired.every morning i gotta force myself to open my eyes and get out of bed.hmm..is going to school the sole purpose for waking up every single morning?im tired.there were times when i thought of skipping lessons but come to think of it,i have a motivating force which pushes me actually.perhaps its just one person who i wish to see everyday even if its just a passing glance.it will be sufficient.i like the way when we turn our heads to look at each other at different intervals..haha..abit dramatic yea?
ruth saw what happened yesterday.sorry if i acted cool..but i knew what happened too.i have good peripheral vision ok?haha lol.
[i regret not making friends with you during ptn.if only i had the courage to go to your group.]
hmm..how come we never say hi to each other after smiling?
mr kenneth always ask:what is the purpose?yes i agree.what is the purpose?self-questioning is a way to keep myself sane.maybe my purpose is to bring upon self-infliction of pain,foolishly.
there is one thing i chose to bury.that's you.always living in my heart.that's a decision i have to live with it.final tears mark the end of everything (or nothing).-201006-2302