An unforgettable night. It's been some time I've last stepped into office and yesterday I went in to clear some work. Didnt know that there was a preview at night and thus met pat there. Had food delivery and dinner in the office. We shared a box of beehoon goreng and some tarts. Full full full..After dinner, we both went outside to sit around and talk. There was a small step whereby we sat and spent some personal time together. He took a puff while I just continued drinking my water. That's the kind of personal time I yearn for. It doesn't have to be long..even a few minutes together will be quite sufficient. After preview ended, he walked me to the bus stop and accompanied me to wait for the bus. Can the bus come later?haha...Pat still had to return to office to prepare for today's event..It's amazing how a kiss and hug can do wonders..hmm..I think almost everyone in the office knows about us. Even Danny asked me about Pat last night. Gary should know about this, I guess..Leroy, Kristy and Theresa saw us too when we're leaving office..well..
that's the power of love. It makes us wanting to freeze every second, every existing time just to keep it for the both of us.