is the drama im watching lately.
the reason why i posted this short clip is that this particular scene really touched the deepest part of my heart.
i thought this would be the happy finale between these 2 people.
but who knows......after all they've been separated for 6 long years.
which is why im logic really made sense.
you cant deny it.
love that is based on feelings wont last long. its just like building a tower without a solid base.
once you lose that feeling, you lose love.
however, this is only partially right.
we can't find love based on criteria as well. that's too materialistic.
i like the way how 宋允浩 学长 called "小双"...
so loving and so gentle.
i support him!
3 major things happened in my life which im only blogging about it now. in chronological order, then the 1st highlight was my resignation from YES!. it was where i did my attachment at and my 1st ever job in the optical industry, which also means that whatever experience i had was from this very place.when potential employers asked me where i have worked at, i sorta swallowed my words back 'cause i have no prior experience from other shops per se. however, im very proud to have "graduated" from YES!..though there's always room for improvement and more knowledge coming in, i dare to say i have learnt quite alot from my mentors. as for where im going to,hmmmm............catch me around in bugis :p
*thats all* i cant wait to tell u about the 2nd major happening!!!!!!!!!
guess what? rena, if you happened to read this, keep this to yourself k! i secretly entered jb with terrance on the night of 10th july (after work)to meet notti.hehes....its really secretive ok??!!!!!! i secretly smuggled home clothes and passport to work and once the clock hits 9pm, i rushed off to meet terrance first. notti was at jb helping out with z-chen's promo tour. so you know, the main reason was to meet him.heeees. we met at taman pelangi station 1 cafe where the autograph session was. when he smsed me that he was standing beside the van, i really dont know how to describe my feeling then. it was a lovely mixture of anxiety,eagerness,shyness altogether, and whatever it was i knew that my heart was pumping hard. fortunately, it did not leave behind traces of blush that could probably expose me.hehe. i felt kinda bad coz i was busy talking to notti and left my travel mate out:p when the autograph session ended, we walked to a nearby cafe in hope of some finger snacks. shit lah, they were only left with fries and wings. there goes my calamari rings! see if i could still recall ah..notti had fruit punch, i had chocolate milkshake (i think so..looks like it) and terrance had ice lemon tea. chatted till its about time then we took a cab down to the hotel which notti was staying at and had a round of drinks again at this pub called eden, i guess...actually, dont ask me about the name of the pub 'coz me myself was not sure either. imagine you walked into a place like clarke quay where all pubs looked similar to one another, can you recognise which is which? when we walked out of the hotel, the next thing we saw was like another clarke quay to me. very happening manz!!! the guys had heineken and while it may seem very surprising to me, i could not believe that i ordered a cocktail instead of the usual beer. and what's more! to show my patriotism to sg, i ordered singapore sling.hehehe!!! but their way of presentation for this cocktail was not as fanciful as what we have in sg. theirs looked like ribena in a normal glass. not even those champagne wine glass leh. sianz. the last thing we did to end this beautiful night was to snap a pic together:D..a lovely pic of us in sepia. reached home at 2+am.
*looks like ive typed damn fingers~~!!!*i traveled out of sg again! yay!!!!! me,bro,andrew+his dad, and haiping+luke went to KL. all except haiping and luke, our primary aim was to catch Man Utd live in action against M'sia all-stars in KL. see my pics in facebook and u'll understand how it feels to be engulfed in the sea of red in a scorching hot saturday afternoon. bring in the heat, Man Utd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and damn the officials on duty. they didnt allow us to bring our own drinks into the stadium. how can!! they expected us to throw away our bottles so that we will buy drinks from them. makes no sense!!!!!!!!!! ok lo. so me and bro endured throughout the match without water -.- its too difficult to squeeze our way in and out of the stadium for drinks or toilet breaks. all thanks to some unreasonable and coconut-brain people who came in late and could not get a seat in the already-filled up stadium and hence, sat on the steps. hello? because of u all, you've practically confined us to our seats.
*rolls eyes*actually to me, i find that this trip is very suay to me. first day i had diarrhea after eating at the roadside stalls. must be those unseen houseflies lor,what else? 2nd nite (after the match) was horrid. even myself had the most terrible shock of my life! i became restless and was tossing about on my bed at 3am, scratching here and there like a monkey.
the more i scratched, the more itchy i felt. OKAY! i decided to get up to see what's wrong. i woke my bro up and asked him if he felt the same. no leh..he was fine. it was when i looked at myself in the mirror that i saw an ape!!!!! the area around my nose and lips,neck and thighs were red!!!!!!!!!!!i almost burst into tears. how am i supposed to 见人 the next day? thankfully, there were no signs of redness on my face and body the next morning but there were abnormally big big patches of "mozzie bites" on my thighs which still felt itchy.
quickly went to see GP on monday morning. she said it was allergic rash. maybe feng1 mo4 due to cold temperature, maybe becoz of food, maybe becoz of dust, maybe becoz of dirty specific cause.
to be honest lah, im only pleased with the TranStar coach this time round. the hotel itself (hotel nova) was already a letdown. seriously dont understand how my bro's friend could be so budget to the extent to choosing a 3- star hotel. when i checked in at the hotel, i inspected the toilet the next moment.huh??no bathtub??????????
*shakes head* where's my no. 1 criteria?????????????????????????????BATHTUB!!!!!!!
ok i let it be....heater? stupid. there was this sim-card lookalike thingy that is if we want hot water, we slot it in and vice versa for cold water. the best thing was...this heater was faulty! after i slot the card in, there was no way we can adjust the temperature though the temperature indicator was there. how nice!!!!! so it's either HOT or COLD water that u get. my bro still claim that its ok for him. i reckon his skin must be thicker than mine since he could get used to the piping hot water. so u know what i did? i did not enjoy a peaceful shower as i had to slot the card in and out to get a lukewarm bath. so busy yea?
next, moving on.............
air-con. sibei lousy aircon lah! its the first time i shivered under the blankets at a temperature of 26 degree celsius even with my gears on. ok lo, so for the rest of the night i turned the temperature down to 28 degree celsius which was the warmest. but still.......................shivers. this time its not just my problem, my bro felt it too.hehe.
i certainly deserve a better holiday. :(-260709-1859

thought it was you.
at the bus queue that heads towards my house.
could this be real?
i miss you and the times in 2008.