attended ianeve's 1-year-old birthday party at tanah merah country club yesterday. reached there rather early to help out in the preparations and decoration of the place. frankly speaking, it was an eye opener to me because i've never seen any child's birthday party as grand as this, out of my own experience. there was this jungle castle in the room which was what we usually would see in carnivals, whereby it's made into a playground by pumping air into it. so, that was the main attraction of the party. kids were on the high and some parents even joined in the fun. gorgor, serena and me had our fair bit of share too. it's not as if we were some giants conquering the kids playing ground but mainly we were deprived of a good childhood.haha. this was my second time playing such stuff, thus this became a reminiscence of the good old times. we were really crazy! i didn't know that playing this can be a form of stamina-building exercise. wooo~
was introduced to this fat man who kept persuading us to join his company, even my dad and bro were not spared. too bad! i shall and will stick to garry. boo! so, we showed our dislike towards him by..............making him tumble! haha..tim tim asked: "why this fat man keep jumping and jumping here?" and we decided to make him fall! 1,2,3 and we (me, serena, tim tim and tommy) jumped with all our might and that clumsy fella was desperately holding onto the sides for support. what a hilarious sight!
i've never felt so happy. yesterday was the day when i truly laughed out loud. it's amazing how doing a simple exercise like jumping could lead to laughing, and laughing which leads to momentary dementia to problems. check it out! when you're upset, find ways to laugh hard (even if it might not be genuine). let out some air and tada~you'll feel like you're a deflating balloon and you will be less troubled. cool right? "what cannot be expressed finds expression" --gary lee says this.
it's a pity garry couldn't come or else he will play with the kids until hell breaks loose.