's finally time to blog again!
anyway, i guess blogging is all about having the right feelings at the right time, thus until this very moment then you see me "alive" in blogger's world............
ok..lemme kick start by sharing my feelings during sunday's trip to JB.
i was there to attend taki's workshop.
i woke up bright and early on the day itself, somehow feeling that the sleep in the previous night wasn't really peaceful and sweet.
i got those eagerness and excitement long before dawn sets in 'coz i know that i will be seeing taki again. can call me crazy.
but that's the kind of emotions you'll get when you idolise someone alot.
the venue was at mutiara hotel...
yea..the same old place with royal-like hotel rooms and comfy bath tubs.
this time round we didn't stay overnight as it was just a one-day event.
that's why i was hoping that the duration of the workshop could extend for at least 2 days, maybe?
on the other hand, we can learn more from experienced taki mah...*keke*
when he was up there on stage, my mind went totally blank!!!!!
i only knew that my heart wowed at what it saw.
nice image. nice hair. nice dressing.
kinda missed his voice. haha.
we indeed learnt alot from him but alot is not enough for me....
i wished for more.
......*if i can become his disciple*.......
then we proceeded to photo-taking at the end and that's my precious pic of me and him!!!!!!
to be con'td...........(ask me if ya wanna know :p)
that's him! charming!

1/3 of the whole big group taking photo with taki. can you see? he's squeezed in between..haha

a pity that my cam's resolution wasn't something i'm proud of.
thought of changing to canon ixus one fine day. bear with those "blurry" pics temporarily:)